Physics and Chemistry of Solid State


2015   Vol.16   №1






DOI: 10.15330/pcss.16.1.93-97

D.M. Freik, B.S. Dzundza, O.B. Kostyuk, V.I. Makovyshyn, R.S. Yavorskiy

Surface Layers and Thermoelectric Properties of Vapor-Phase Condensation LAST Pb18Ag2-xSbxTe20 on Mica

1Vasyl Stefanyk PreCarpathian National University 57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine,

The thermoelectric properties of thin films Pb18Ag2-xSbxTe20, obtained by condensation of vapor on the high vacuum on mica substrate are researched. Based on a two-layer model Petrits are founded electrical parameters of surface layers. It is shown that condensates thickness d <1 micron are characterized by improved thermoelectric properties. Keywords: thin films, lead telluride, resistivity, mobility.

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